Selfie Screen

Learn about the 'Selfie' screen in the Guest Portal:

The Selfie Screen is designed to enhance the identity verification process by requiring guests to upload a selfie along with their government-issued ID. This biometric verification helps confirm that the ID belongs to the guest making the booking, thereby preventing identity fraud and providing proof of stay in case of credit card or payment disputes.

While the screen is optional, we recommend asking for a selfie if the guest is flagged as an orange or red risk.

Setting Up the Selfie Screen

Customizing the Selfie Screen in Autohost is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Log into Your Autohost Account:

    • Navigate to Guest Portal > Screens > Selfie.

      GP - SCREENS
  2. Enable the Selfie Screen:

    • Toggle the Selfie Screen option ON to enable it for your guests.
  3. Customize the Instructions:

    • Provide clear instructions for guests on how to take and upload their selfies. Ensure that the instructions are easy to understand and follow.
  4. Set Field Requirements:

    • Determine if the selfie is mandatory for all guests or only for those flagged as higher risk (e.g., orange or red risk scores). Mark the field as required if necessary.
  5. Save the Configuration:

    • Click "Save" to finalize your settings.

What the guest sees:
