Credit Checks

This feature allows property managers to access a guest's credit score and credit history through one of the major credit reporting agencies. This information is crucial for assessing the financial reliability of guests, particularly for long-term stays or high-value reservations.

What is the credit check workflow?

The Credit Check is seamlessly integrated into the Guest Portal flow. Here’s how it works:

  1. Guest Portal Step: During the guest vetting process, one of the steps in the Guest Portal will present a form for the guest to complete. This form will request personal details such as name, address, and date of birth (DOB), along with a consent to perform a credit check.
  2. Consent and Submission: The guest provides the required information and consents to the credit check.
  3. Credit Check Execution: Autohost runs the credit check through Equifax, retrieving the guest's credit score and history.
  4. Data Integration: The retrieved data points are fed into Autohost's Screening AI to enhance the overall risk assessment and verification process.
  5. Report Availability: Property managers can download the full credit report for further review if needed.

Configuration Settings

Credit Check settings are highly flexible and can be configured to suit different screening needs. 

  • Automatic for All Guests: Include the credit check as part of the standard vetting process for every guest.
  • Long-Term Stays: Configure the credit check to run only for long-term stays, which is the most common use case.
  • Manual Trigger: Property managers can manually trigger a credit check on a case-by-case basis, depending on the specific requirements of the reservation or the property's contractual obligations.

Learn how to setup Credit Checks for your Guest Portal